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Illustration: Characters

Bunny Series
Bunny Series

These started out as mascots in the branding materials for my Etsy shop, Sarah's Wonderland Studio. They have since turned into copyrighted characters who will be developed into a story series. This venture will be updated as I go, but is an ongoing process. Enjoy!

Final Banner with Mascots

Software: Illustrator, Procreate.

Traditional Materials: Gouache, Ink, Watercolor.

Sarah's Wonderland Studio store banner with bunny mascots. Picnic in the spring with signs that say art, unique goods, and other delights. Tag line: Where fantasy and nature come to play. Gouache, ink, watercolor, and digital art.

Mascot Size Chart

Software: Illustrator, Procreate.

Size chart of the bunny mascots for Sarah's Wonderland Studio store.

Mascot Sketches

Divided up by character.

Bunny Illustrations

Made some test illustrations to see how they would do in stories. Done with Procreate and traditional art assets. Final illustrations and linework are below.

Bath Time


Rainy Day

Dino Series
Dino Series

These started out as concepts for a fantasy illustration, grew into a 4-panel comic strip, then took on a life of their own. Copyrighted. Looking to develop the story into something more. Will update as it progresses. Enjoy!

The 4-Panel Comic

Software: Procreate. Included traditional elements from pen and ink.

4-panel color comic of a t-rex baby trying to read. He ends up going to space to do it. Big head, big book, tiny arms.

Holiday Card 2022

Note: Did not come up with the pun, 'Tree-Rex', but thought it was cute and adapted it. Don't know who originally came up with it, but wasn't copyrighted to my knowledge.

Software: Procreate. Included traditional elements from pen and ink.

Cute image of baby t-rex characters. The girl is standing on two presents to put a star on top of the boy t-rex, who is decorated like a Christmas tree. Pun: Tree-rex. Holiday card. Color. Jewel tones.
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